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[Prev: What is meant by % hydration of a dough | Next: What is the difference between sourdough methods? ] Created 10/25/04 by darrell.web4 (at) (Darrell Greenwood)

13. What is a sponge?

Subject: 13. What is a sponge?

A batter or soft dough containing all of the water, but only part of the flour and (usually) none of the salt. The starter (or, conservatively, part of the starter) is mixed into it, and thereafter it is incubated (at some temperature between freezing and heat death) until it gets frothy, at which time the dough is completed with additional flour, salt, and usually some kneading.



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This page was last updated on Tue, Aug 3, 2010 at 7:52:53 PM.

Links changed to 10/8/16

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