Carl Griffith's 1847 Oregon Trail Sourdough Starter

Recipes from users of our starter.

Carlos explains Frugal Culture Management 

Frugal culture management by Dick Adams

Lucy bakes French sourdough loaves with Carl's

Carlos explains about low-knead hand-mixed sourdough (PDF file)

Jim makes his point about no-knead.

Eva's Rustic Loaf

Ron Anderson's SFSD Loaves

Marty's Pullman Loaves

Bob Drake's Alaskan loaves

Gene bakes Ruth's Oatmeal Bread

Wayne's brown top panbread

An interesting photo sequence by Rob Gardner

Dick Adams' Billowy Sourdough Loaves

From Samartha, the whole show, and after that, some more even.

"Carlos" describes baking an artisanal loaf in a flower pot.

Joan's banneton loaf show and tell.

Recipe for panbread with photo.

A photo of two loaves by Dick Adams.

Very large loaf, submitted by Joe Duke.

More bread photos from Joan Ross.

David Auerbach baking in wood fired oven.

Folksy recipes transcribed from the Herter Catalog by Paul Skiff.

How We Dry Our Starter

Material for this page is from users of Carl's starter. Please contact a CarlsFriends Volunteer to see your stuff here.
